Bibliographical references Eduardo de Jesus, 06/2005

The work of Marcellvs L. has been featured in festivals and exhibitions, attracting attention due to its radical approach and intense association of philosophical concepts and electronic image. His videos have prompted theoreticians and researchers to publish texts discussing videorhizomes and other pieces of work by Marcellvs. We have included a few links that might broaden the understanding of the artist's work.

Marcellvs L. website is instigating, organized according to the possibilities of chance and lack of control in the search for information. The site does not have a menu, and its contents can only be seen by activating a dice game simulation containing information and images related to the work of Marcellvs L.

“Contracampo - Revista de Cinema” (Counterfield - Cine Magazine) has published two articles, approaching the artist's work from different points of view. 

The article by Cezar Migliorin discusses similarities with cinema, such as the single shot, and promotes a dialogue between Marcellvs' “Man.Road.River” (2004) and Cao Guimarães' “Da janela do meu quarto” (From the window of my room) (2004). An interesting approach, revealing the power of the images produced by these two artists.

The second article features comments by Ruy Gardner about the awarding in the Curta Cinema festival, in Rio de Janeiro, and discusses “Man.Road.River”, which Gardner describes as “one of most stimulating films in the festival”.