	Buscando material histórico

    Buscando material histórico

A history we write together

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posted on 04/12/2013
Help us retrieve three decades of fostering artistic experimentation and new circuits

This year, the International Contemporary Art Festival Sesc_Videobrasil is celebrating its 30th anniversary. Videobrasil has since become established as a platform for exhibition, dissemination and reflection on art from the world’s Southern geopolitical axis, and as such it has borne witness to all the major changes to the image-in-motion scene and its gradual incorporation into the universe of art.

From video art pioneers’ struggles with political aspects of the insertion of independent productions into Brazilian television, at a time when the stigma of the military dictatorship still persisted, to radical experimentations with image, the Festival has dynamically kept abreast of different movements, and assumed its position in the confrontations elicited by intersections between art and society.

This year will see the 18th edition of the Festival and alongside the traditional Southern Panoramas show there will be a lengthy program dedicated to these 30 years of history. To that end, we are thoroughly researching the memory of the Festival, including artwork, artists, curators, and shows. This research will feature in a show at Sesc Pompeia, starting in November, and it will branch out into our website, online collection, and new sections to be published throughout 2013.

In order to retrieve our history and convey it with accuracy and richness, we are looking for historical material, especially from early editions, in order to fill in the blanks in our timeline. If you own any material that relates to the memory of Videobrasil, email us at 30anos@videobrasil.org.br. We are counting on you, who have helped build this trajectory, to rescue our memory and thus take part in this very special Festival edition.

VB Memoir